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A Review of Integration Techniques of Multi-Geoscience Data-Sets in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping

Received: 4 June 2024     Accepted: 25 June 2024     Published: 9 July 2024
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In every sphere and utility aspects of human life, there is need of metals and construction materials. Minerals which are below the near subsurface is almost explored on the basis of direct geospatial evidences. There is high demand of metals and other materials which are mined below the surface of earth In the current landscape, there's a demand for faster and more precise exploration strategies, particularly emphasizing Greenfield exploration and deep-seated mineralization. This paper conducts a comprehensive review of existing methodologies for integrating multi-geoscience datasets aimed at mineral prognostication, with a focus on identifying the most precise and authentic Artificial Intelligence (AI) - based data integration techniques. Additionally, it offers insights into the current status of mineral exploration in India and the global evolution of data integration practices. Several types of geoscientific datasets i.e. geological, geophysical, geochemical and geospectral data have to be organized in geospatial domain for meaningful mineral exploration outcome. These datasets have been processed to extract exploratory indicator layers for data integration are called Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM). Indeed, MPM is a multiple criterion decision making (MCDM) task which provide a predictive model for categorizing of sought areas in terms of ore mineralization. There after based upon Geological factors i.e. lithology, structure, shear & fault zones, alteration zones etc. of sought mineralized area, selection of drilling parameters (depth, angle, level, type, rpm, feed) is done for resource assessment. Literature survey suggests that minerals exploration by integrated approach on the basis of these datasets is still poorly performed. It has been gathered that knowledge-driven data integration using Fuzzy Gamma Operator and Multiclass Index Overlay method is best suited for mineral exploration. In past, few researchers of other countries have exploited data integration approach with encouraging results. Despite the abundance of data available in India, this approach has not been utilized very successfully and no standard protocols exist even for decision making for drilling operation. Thus, it's evident that employing the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) algorithm, particularly utilizing the Fuzzy Gamma Operator and Multiclass Index Overlay integration method, remains underutilized in designing standardized operating procedures (SOP) for mineral exploration in India and decision-making for drilling operations. This approach holds promise for minimizing time lag and optimizing resources such as manpower, instruments, and finances.

Published in Earth Sciences (Volume 13, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/
Page(s) 127-140
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Mineral Exploration, Integration, Geoscience Datasets, Mineral Prospectivity Mapping, Fuzzy Inference System, Fuzzy Gamma Operator, Mineral Exploration in India, Knowledge-Driven Technique, Data–Driven Technique

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  • APA Style

    Katiyar, N., Kulshreshtha, A., Singh, P. K. (2024). A Review of Integration Techniques of Multi-Geoscience Data-Sets in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping. Earth Sciences, 13(4), 127-140.

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    ACS Style

    Katiyar, N.; Kulshreshtha, A.; Singh, P. K. A Review of Integration Techniques of Multi-Geoscience Data-Sets in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping. Earth Sci. 2024, 13(4), 127-140. doi: 10.11648/

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    AMA Style

    Katiyar N, Kulshreshtha A, Singh PK. A Review of Integration Techniques of Multi-Geoscience Data-Sets in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping. Earth Sci. 2024;13(4):127-140. doi: 10.11648/

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      abstract = {In every sphere and utility aspects of human life, there is need of metals and construction materials. Minerals which are below the near subsurface is almost explored on the basis of direct geospatial evidences. There is high demand of metals and other materials which are mined below the surface of earth In the current landscape, there's a demand for faster and more precise exploration strategies, particularly emphasizing Greenfield exploration and deep-seated mineralization. This paper conducts a comprehensive review of existing methodologies for integrating multi-geoscience datasets aimed at mineral prognostication, with a focus on identifying the most precise and authentic Artificial Intelligence (AI) - based data integration techniques. Additionally, it offers insights into the current status of mineral exploration in India and the global evolution of data integration practices. Several types of geoscientific datasets i.e. geological, geophysical, geochemical and geospectral data have to be organized in geospatial domain for meaningful mineral exploration outcome. These datasets have been processed to extract exploratory indicator layers for data integration are called Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM). Indeed, MPM is a multiple criterion decision making (MCDM) task which provide a predictive model for categorizing of sought areas in terms of ore mineralization. There after based upon Geological factors i.e. lithology, structure, shear & fault zones, alteration zones etc. of sought mineralized area, selection of drilling parameters (depth, angle, level, type, rpm, feed) is done for resource assessment. Literature survey suggests that minerals exploration by integrated approach on the basis of these datasets is still poorly performed. It has been gathered that knowledge-driven data integration using Fuzzy Gamma Operator and Multiclass Index Overlay method is best suited for mineral exploration. In past, few researchers of other countries have exploited data integration approach with encouraging results. Despite the abundance of data available in India, this approach has not been utilized very successfully and no standard protocols exist even for decision making for drilling operation. Thus, it's evident that employing the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) algorithm, particularly utilizing the Fuzzy Gamma Operator and Multiclass Index Overlay integration method, remains underutilized in designing standardized operating procedures (SOP) for mineral exploration in India and decision-making for drilling operations. This approach holds promise for minimizing time lag and optimizing resources such as manpower, instruments, and finances.
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - A Review of Integration Techniques of Multi-Geoscience Data-Sets in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping
    AU  - Neelesh Katiyar
    AU  - Asita Kulshreshtha
    AU  - Pramod Kumar Singh
    Y1  - 2024/07/09
    PY  - 2024
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    DO  - 10.11648/
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    JF  - Earth Sciences
    JO  - Earth Sciences
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    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2328-5982
    UR  -
    AB  - In every sphere and utility aspects of human life, there is need of metals and construction materials. Minerals which are below the near subsurface is almost explored on the basis of direct geospatial evidences. There is high demand of metals and other materials which are mined below the surface of earth In the current landscape, there's a demand for faster and more precise exploration strategies, particularly emphasizing Greenfield exploration and deep-seated mineralization. This paper conducts a comprehensive review of existing methodologies for integrating multi-geoscience datasets aimed at mineral prognostication, with a focus on identifying the most precise and authentic Artificial Intelligence (AI) - based data integration techniques. Additionally, it offers insights into the current status of mineral exploration in India and the global evolution of data integration practices. Several types of geoscientific datasets i.e. geological, geophysical, geochemical and geospectral data have to be organized in geospatial domain for meaningful mineral exploration outcome. These datasets have been processed to extract exploratory indicator layers for data integration are called Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM). Indeed, MPM is a multiple criterion decision making (MCDM) task which provide a predictive model for categorizing of sought areas in terms of ore mineralization. There after based upon Geological factors i.e. lithology, structure, shear & fault zones, alteration zones etc. of sought mineralized area, selection of drilling parameters (depth, angle, level, type, rpm, feed) is done for resource assessment. Literature survey suggests that minerals exploration by integrated approach on the basis of these datasets is still poorly performed. It has been gathered that knowledge-driven data integration using Fuzzy Gamma Operator and Multiclass Index Overlay method is best suited for mineral exploration. In past, few researchers of other countries have exploited data integration approach with encouraging results. Despite the abundance of data available in India, this approach has not been utilized very successfully and no standard protocols exist even for decision making for drilling operation. Thus, it's evident that employing the Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) algorithm, particularly utilizing the Fuzzy Gamma Operator and Multiclass Index Overlay integration method, remains underutilized in designing standardized operating procedures (SOP) for mineral exploration in India and decision-making for drilling operations. This approach holds promise for minimizing time lag and optimizing resources such as manpower, instruments, and finances.
    VL  - 13
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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